Andrew Jackson and the massacre at "Negro Fort"
The year is 1814, the United States military was in the midst of fighting two wars on two very different fronts. Facing off in the north against a familiar enemy, The British (who were also fighting in the Napoleonic Wars at the same time) in the War of 1812; and aiding the Lower Creeks in their Civil War against the Red Stick Creek in the south. The Red Sticks started off the war on a hot streak after defeating the Americans at the Battle of Burnt Corn. However, their luck changed after the arrival of the then Major General Andrew Jackson, who quickly won the battles of Tallushatchee and Talladega. The Red Sticks, who were on the ropes, got their aid from the British coming off of their Victory during the Napoleonic Wars. In April of 1814, the British established an outpost on the Apalachicola River. This Outpost has been known by various names at various times such as, Prospect Bluff, British Post, and before it was destroyed, Negro Fort. After the end of the War of...